October 19, 2020

SelahVista Homes Start with Health

While health is always on the list of zero energy home benefits, it was the motivating force that prompted Steve Weise and Brenda Nunes to develop this 60-unit neighborhood in Central Washington. All homes in the development include a comprehensive package of proven features that protect health, maintain durability, and guarantee zero energy ready performance. But Steve and Brenda are taking the health of their homes to a higher level.

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July 14, 2019

Zero Energy: the Ultimate in Green Building

Energy efficiency is at the core of all green building certification programs. It’s time to ratchet up these modest improvements to make homes as green as they can be by operating them entirely with clean energy.

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April 8, 2019

Zero Energy Buildings are Much Healthier Than Conventional Homes

As described in Part One, indoor air can be unhealthy. When you invest in zero energy, you’ll also get something even more important than money in return. Zero energy buildings are also healthier. Here in Part Two of this three-part series, you can read about all the components of zero energy buildings that make this invaluable benefit possible.

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